The Education Solution for Smart Classrooms.
We are empowering a better education for our future generation.
In today`s digital age, new technologies are empowering students to learn more easily, effectively and more comfortably via remote online classrooms, which are also transforming the ways that teachers organise classrooms and supervisors evaluate them.
The Hikvision distance learning solution provides a more realistic, immersive learning experience for both students and teachers.
It ensures lectures are as engaging as possible, whilst improving access to education.
The objective of the HCE – Classin solution is to connect and manage classroom recording devices for seamless real – time sharing through conferencing software i.e., Zoom, and Teams.
Why choose this solution?
For Teachers
Resources to deliver great lectures
PTZ tracks teachers between presentation wall, teachers’ desk and classroom discussion.
- Panoramic camera delivers interactive classroom reactions and feedback and questions.
- Teacher can split screen between live classroom and presentation material.
- Teacher has flexibility to manage the lecture, with resources like lecture live streaming, record editing tool.
- Teacher can easily start/end live streaming with just one click.
For Management
Virtual class data management
Organise, manage, store and access classes live or catch up.
- Access to real-time data to manage lectures and analyse lectures and attendance.
- 20000+ user management
- Daily record review report.
This solution provides an immersive learning experience by making it feel like a real classroom with video and smart tracking combining to provide a dynamic view of the teacher and their presentation board. It also provides, high quality resource lectures that are viewable on multiple devices, including PCs, Smartphones and tablets. Students can gain access to previous lectures, with unlimited resource replay time. The resource replay feature assists students who may have been absent and/or for revision and study purposes.
In essence, as we face this pandemic as a community, with the on going school restrictions, and lock down regulations due to the third wave, we are offering a solution that will keep our community safe while ensuring that the future generations are able to still receive their right to daily, live, and continuous education.